Our Full Range of Digital Film Production Services

DIT New York offers efficient, breakthrough solutions in digital production. Based in New York, NY, our company has honed our craft for years, allowing us to provide services that meet your requirements.

The Importance of Efficiency

Today’s digital cameras have impressive image quality. To make the most out of the technical capabilities, a smooth workflow is needed throughout digital production.

DIT Workflow Consulting

Maximizing Your Workflow

We aim to address each variable unique to your project through a simple process. To achieve that, we tackle every aspect of your workflow, including pre-production, photography, data management, quality control, and footage processing. We also handle editorial post-production and archiving.

Digital Imaging Technicians

Utilizing Our Expertise

Our experienced DITs possess the technical and creative skills needed on set. They ensure cameras are set up correctly and that you maximize the potential of your chosen digital format. Expect to have on-set DITs to back up your footage onto external drives and an internal RAID.

Our Process

Rely on our technicians to conduct a quality check and a one-light grade under the cinematographer’s directions. They will then finally produce the files needed for the editorial phase.


This is a challenging aspect of online media preparation because of the increasing number of viewing platforms, file formats, and streaming technologies. Due to this variety, transcoding digital camera footage has become more complicated and cumbersome. With our innovative DIT workstations, we make transcoding much simpler and faster for you.


We support all prevalent streaming and broadcast formats from heavy-duty raw footage. Count on us to work around all types of digital cameras found in the market.


At DIT New York, we take great pride in producing prompt and high-quality results through our processing techniques.


Our team can transcode your footage on-set as part of our responsibility. You can also bring your footage to our office so we can transcode it using our fast workstations.


This includes producing broadcast-quality videos, calibrated monitoring, providing instant playback, and creating low-resolution files for reference.